Monday, 6 October 2008

Fletcher Financial Services - episode 2

I haven't heard from Fletcher FS for a couple of days. Remember I'm in Leyhill prison and I need money fast. So I sent this a few hours ago:

Mr Fletcher - I getting well worried. It three days since I hear nothing from yu. Plese tell me when i will get cheque.

He doesn't want to let me down, so this is his reply.

Hello,We received your email and want to inform you that we like like to know with which bank you have account.Before we can proceed further.Thanks

Good. Last time I told him I wasn't allowed to use a bank account. Now I'll tell him I have an account, but I've been told I have a code mismatch. (He must get those spam bank emails too, mustn't he?)

I bank with Lloyds TSB but i get lots of emails telling me my code dont match.

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