Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Fondation de France - Mrs Maria Lazio

The Fondation de France are so desperate to give me an award that they've written to me three times!

"The Fondation De France would like to notify you that you have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of a cash Grant/Donation for your own personal, educational, and business development. "

"We are giving out a yearly donation of US$850,000.00 each to 100 lucky recipients. These specific Donations/Grants will be awarded to 100 lucky international recipients worldwide"

All I have to do is contact "Executive Sec. Mrs.MARIA LAZIO"

I just hope that no-one is taken in by this scam. If you look on the genuine website for the Fondation de France you will see a message at the bottom of their homepage. It's in French. Even my limited knowledge of French tells me that this clearly states that they only send messages in French and not in any other language - which includes English!

"Enfin, tout courrier ou message émanant de la Fondation de France est établi en français, et non dans une autre langue." (genuine message)

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